February was second busiest month in Port of New York and New Jersey history

April 05, 2024

The Port of New York and New Jersey posted gains in total volume, imports, exports, rail, and autos in February 2024, making it the second-busiest February in its history.

Total volume for February included 632,455 TEUs (349,792 containers), which represents a 10.7 percent increase compared to the 571,177 TEUs (316,792 containers) recorded in February 2023. So far this year, the port moved a total of 1,299,801 TEUs (717,891 containers).

Imports rose by 15.2 percent in February, accounting for 332,241 TEUs (183,665 containers) versus 288,314 TEUs (159,748 containers) recorded the previous February. From January through February, the Port of New York and New Jersey imported 675,031 TEUs (373,364 containers), a 10.2 percent increase from the 612,295 TEUs (339,945 containers) over the same period in 2023.

Exports accounted for 101,636 TEUs (54,505 containers) in February compared to 98,692 TEUs (53,466 containers) the previous February, a 3 percent increase. In the first two months of 2024, exports at the Port of New York and New Jersey reached 206,360 TEUs (110,395 containers), a 2.2 percent decrease from the 210,961 TEUs (113,972 containers) recorded in the same period of 2023.

Rail volume in increased 17.2 percent from February 2023, totaling 52,948 containers. Rail volume for the first two months of 2024 was 7.1 percent higher than in 2023.

Source: Port of New York and New Jersey